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The estimator for a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) contractor estimated that the new hospital would require 5,840 feet of sheet metal ductwork. The order is too large for a single fabricator, so it was decided to split the order among four fabricators. Fabricator 1 received an order for 2,500 feet; Fabricator 2 obtained an order for 1,200 feet; and Fabricator 3 was awarded a contract for 1,150 feet. How many feet of ductwork would be required of Fabricator 4 ? Fabricator 4 would be required to produce \( \square \) feet of ductwork.

Ask by Ross Ryan. in the United States
Feb 26,2025

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Fabricator 4 needs to produce 990 feet of ductwork.


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Beyond the Answer

To determine how many feet of ductwork Fabricator 4 would need to produce, we can start with the total ductwork requirement and subtract the amounts assigned to the other three fabricators. First, add up the lengths assigned to Fabricators 1, 2, and 3: - Fabricator 1: 2,500 feet - Fabricator 2: 1,200 feet - Fabricator 3: 1,150 feet Calculating the total assigned: \[ 2,500 + 1,200 + 1,150 = 4,850 \text{ feet} \] Next, subtract this total from the overall requirement: \[ 5,840 - 4,850 = 990 \text{ feet} \] Therefore, Fabricator 4 would be required to produce **990 feet** of ductwork.

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