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13. Number Sense Jonah is thinking of a 2-digit number. It is a multiple of 6 and 12. It is a factor of 108 . The sum of its digits is 9 . What number is Jonah thinking of?

Ask by Elliott Willis. in the United States
Feb 27,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


Jonah is thinking of the number 36.


We start by noting that since the number is a multiple of 12, it is automatically a multiple of 6. Therefore, the number must be divisible by 12. Next, we list the factors of 108 that are two-digit numbers: • 12 (because 108 ÷ 12 = 9) • 18 (because 108 ÷ 18 = 6) • 27 (because 108 ÷ 27 = 4) • 36 (because 108 ÷ 36 = 3) • 54 (because 108 ÷ 54 = 2) Now, from these, only those divisible by 12 meet the condition. • 12 is divisible by 12, but its digit sum is 1 + 2 = 3. • 36 is divisible by 12, and its digit sum is 3 + 6 = 9. • 18, 27, and 54 are not divisible by 12. Thus, 36 is the only candidate that meets all four conditions: it's a two-digit number, a multiple of 12 (and hence a multiple of 6), a factor of 108, and the sum of its digits is 9. Jonah is thinking of the number 36.

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Beyond the Answer

Jonah is thinking of the number 54! This two-digit number meets all the criteria: it is a multiple of both 6 and 12 (since 54 ÷ 6 = 9 and 54 ÷ 12 = 4.5), it’s a factor of 108 (108 ÷ 54 = 2), and the sum of its digits, 5 and 4, equals 9. It's interesting to note that multiples of 6 and 12, as well as their factors, play a significant role in number theory. Understanding divisibility rules can help you quickly determine if a number fits certain conditions, making puzzles like Jonah's all the more fun to solve!

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