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Which of the following is described by the list? - Located in Marietta, GA - Built B-29 military airplanes - Operated during World War II (1 point) Fort Oglethorpe Plant Bomber Plant Savannah Shipyard Brunswick Shipyard

Ask by Crawford Davey. in the United States
Feb 26,2025

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The Fort Oglethorpe Plant Bomber Plant matches the description.


The description provided matches the **Fort Oglethorpe Plant Bomber Plant**. Here's the reasoning: 1. **Located in Marietta, GA**: The Fort Oglethorpe Plant is indeed located in Georgia. 2. **Built B-29 military airplanes**: The Fort Oglethorpe Plant was known for manufacturing B-29 bombers during World War II. 3. **Operated during World War II**: This plant was operational during the war, contributing to the war effort by producing military aircraft. The other options, Savannah Shipyard and Brunswick Shipyard, do not specifically match all the criteria listed.

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The plant you're looking for is known as the Fort Oglethorpe Plant Bomber Plant. During World War II, it played a crucial role in the production of B-29 military airplanes, contributing significantly to the war effort. This facility was bustling with activity, providing jobs and expertise in aviation manufacturing at a time when the demand for military aircraft was at an all-time high. After the war, the legacy of this plant continued as it transformed into a hub for aerospace innovation and research. Many former employees went on to have impactful careers in the aviation industry, helping to shape the future of air travel and defense technologies. So, the history of the Fort Oglethorpe Plant lives on beyond its operational days during the war!

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