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A report said there are about 600 students at Springfield Elementary School. The number was rounded to the nearest ten. How many students could there actually be at the school?

Ask by Chandler Huang. in the United States
Feb 27,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


The actual number of students at Springfield Elementary School could be between 595 and 605.


To find the actual number of students at Springfield Elementary School, we need to consider the range of numbers that could be rounded to 600 students. Given that the number of students was rounded to the nearest ten, the actual number of students could be anywhere between 595 and 605 students. Therefore, the actual number of students at Springfield Elementary School could be between 595 and 605 students.

Answered by UpStudy AI and reviewed by a Professional Tutor

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Bonus Knowledge

If the number of students was rounded to the nearest ten to result in 600, the actual number of students could be anywhere from 595 to 604. This is because when rounding, any number from 595 to 604 will round to 600. So the range of potential student counts is a fun little mystery that requires a bit of number sleuthing! When looking to find the precise count, keep in mind the art of rounding! Many people miscalculate boundaries; for example, rounding 604 down instead of up. Always remember that 0-4 rounds down while 5-9 rounds up. It’s a common mistake, but with practice, you’ll round like a pro!

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