
Batvinder has been studying in ABC School for 4 years 25 days. How many days is that?

Ask by Simpson Carroll. in India
Feb 25,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


Batvinder has been studying for 1,485 days.


Assuming each year has 365 days, we can calculate the total number of days as follows: 1. Calculate the days in 4 years:   4 years × 365 days/year = 1460 days 2. Then add the extra 25 days:   1460 days + 25 days = 1485 days So, Batvinder has been studying for a total of 1485 days.

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Batvinder has been studying for 4 years and 25 days. To calculate the total number of days, we must first convert years into days. A standard year has about 365 days, so 4 years amount to 4 x 365 = 1,460 days. Adding the additional 25 days gives us a total of 1,460 + 25 = 1,485 days. So, Batvinder has been studying for a total of 1,485 days! Additionally, if Batvinder's studies happened to include a leap year during that period, you might want to consider adding an extra day, bringing the total to 1,486 days. Keep in mind the little quirks of the calendar when doing calculations connected to years!

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