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xtension Which two animals can hear the same level of frequency? Explain.

Ask by Mcdonald Knight. in the United States
Feb 26,2025

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Tutor-Verified Answer


Humans and dogs can hear the same range of frequencies, from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz.


To determine which two animals can hear the same level of frequency, we need to consider the range of frequencies that each animal can hear. The range of frequencies that an animal can hear is typically measured in Hertz (Hz). The frequency range for different animals varies, but generally, animals can hear frequencies within a specific range. Here are some examples of the frequency ranges for different animals: - Humans: 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz - Dogs: 40 Hz to 45,000 Hz - Cats: 50 Hz to 79,000 Hz - Elephants: 5 Hz to 10,000 Hz - Dolphins: 20 Hz to 120,000 Hz Based on the frequency ranges provided, we can see that humans and dogs can hear frequencies within the same range, which is between 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. Therefore, humans and dogs can hear the same level of frequency.

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Beyond the Answer

Did you know that both dolphins and elephants can hear sounds at frequencies as high as 20 kHz? While dolphins use their extraordinary hearing abilities for echolocation in the underwater world, elephants rely on low-frequency sounds, but they can also pick up similarly high frequencies, showcasing their keen sense of hearing. Nature sure knows how to equip its creatures! In real-world scenarios, this remarkable capability aids both species in communication and environmental awareness. For instance, dolphins communicate with each other through clicks and whistles that are often in that high-frequency range, while elephants use their hearing to detect distant calls and vibrations, ensuring they stay connected to their herds even when miles apart. Isn’t it amazing how these animals utilize their sound perception for survival?

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