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This question has two parts. First, answer Part A. Then, answer Part B. Part A SPEED LIMIT Luisa is travelling on the highway at a rate of 54 miles per hour, and then increases her speed 3 miles per hour. If the speed limit is 65 mph , what is an inequality that represents how much faster she could go at her fastest speed without exceeding the speed limit? Part A Which statement about Luisa's speed is assumed to be true when solving the problem? \( \begin{array}{ll}\text { A) Luisa does not exceed the speed limit. } \\ \text { B) There are no other cars on the road with Luisa. } \\ \text { C) Luisa is not driving in the rain. } \\ \text { D) Luisa does not apply the brakes during acceleration. }\end{array} \)

Ask by Ward Bowman. in the United States
Feb 26,2025

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Tutor-Verified Answer


Part A: Luisa's speed after increasing by 3 mph is 57 mph. To stay within the 65 mph speed limit, she can increase her speed by at most 8 mph. So, the inequality is 57 + x ≤ 65. Assumed statement: Luisa does not exceed the speed limit.


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Luisa's maximum speed after her increase is \(54 + 3 = 57\) mph. To find the inequality that represents how much faster she could go without exceeding the speed limit of 65 mph, we set up the inequality: \(57 + x \leq 65\), where \(x\) is the additional speed she could travel. Solving for \(x\), we get \(x \leq 8\). So, Luisa can go up to 8 mph faster without exceeding the speed limit. Regarding the assumption about Luisa's speed, the statement that is considered true when solving the problem is: **A) Luisa does not exceed the speed limit.** This is the foundation for setting up the inequality to ensure she stays within legal driving regulations while analyzing her speed.

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