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Question 9 of 15 If you were a plant, which zone would be most difficult to live in? A. Limnetic B. Sediment C. Profundal D. Benthic

Ask by Brooks Paul. in the United States
Feb 24,2025

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Tutor-Verified Answer


The deepest part of a lake, where little sunlight reaches, is the most difficult for plants to live in. So, the answer is C. Profundal.


The profundal zone is the deepest part of a lake where very little sunlight penetrates. Since most plants rely on sunlight to carry out photosynthesis, living in the profundal zone would be extremely challenging. Therefore, the answer is: C. Profundal

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Beyond the Answer

The profundal zone might be the toughest residence for a plant due to its depth and lack of sunlight, making photosynthesis a real challenge. Without adequate light, plants struggle to thrive, so if you enjoy basking in the sun, this zone would be your nemesis! On the other hand, the benthic zone, rich in nutrients from decomposing organic material, can be a great environment for some plants. However, the oxygen levels can be low, especially in darker depths, leading to less energetic plant life and a slower growth rate. It’s a delicate balance down there!

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