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1 Provide one term for each of the following descriptions of precipitation. 1.1 Forms when water vapour condenses onto the ground. 1.2 Forms when dew freezes or when the dew point temperature is below zero degree Celsius. 1.3 Forms in Cumulonimbus clouds. The water droplets freeze and are taken up into the top of the cloud by strong updraughts, eventually they are too heavy to be held aloft. 1.4 Forms when temperatures are below the freezing point and water droplets freeze and form tiny ice crystals falling to the ground. 1.5 Forms when the air is saturated, condensation nuclei are available, and temperature cools to dew point or below. Forms when snow partially melt on the way down, .1.6 forming a drop of water that then partially refreezes before it reaches the surface 1.7 The cloud type that develops and results in the forming of hail and thunderstorms. \[ (7 \times 1) \]

Ask by Cook Cross. in South Africa
Feb 26,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

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Here are the precipitation terms: 1.1 Dew 1.2 Frost 1.3 Hail 1.4 Snow 1.5 Rain 1.6 Sleet 1.7 Cumulonimbus


Here are the terms for each description of precipitation: 1.1 **Dew** - Forms when water vapour condenses onto the ground. 1.2 **Frost** - Forms when dew freezes or when the dew point temperature is below zero degrees Celsius. 1.3 **Hail** - Forms in Cumulonimbus clouds. The water droplets freeze and are taken up into the top of the cloud by strong updrafts, eventually they are too heavy to be held aloft. 1.4 **Snow** - Forms when temperatures are below the freezing point and water droplets freeze and form tiny ice crystals falling to the ground. 1.5 **Rain** - Forms when the air is saturated, condensation nuclei are available, and temperature cools to dew point or below. 1.6 **Sleet** - Forms when snow partially melts on the way down, forming a drop of water that then partially refreezes before it reaches the surface. 1.7 **Cumulonimbus** - The cloud type that develops and results in the forming of hail and thunderstorms.

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1.1 Dew 1.2 Frost 1.3 Hail 1.4 Sleet 1.5 Rain 1.6 Graupel 1.7 Cumulonimbus

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