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Section A: Rules Surd Rules 1. Multiplication Rule: \( \sqrt{a} \times \sqrt{b}=\sqrt{a \times b} \) 2. Division Rule: \( \frac{\sqrt{a}}{\sqrt{b}}=\sqrt{\frac{a}{b}} \) 3. Addition and Subtraction: Surds can only be added or subtracted if they have the same radicand: \[ 3 \sqrt{2}+4 \sqrt{2}=7 \sqrt{2} \] 4. Simplifying Surds: \( \sqrt{a b}=\sqrt{a} \times \sqrt{b} \) always written in the simplest form where possible. 5. Rationalizing the Denominator: Multiply the numerator and denominator by a suitable surd to remove the square root from thedenominator. The following surds rules will help in simplifying surds and other mathematical expressions: Simplifving Surds: Example: Simplify \( \sqrt{200} \) Steps: 1. Factorize 200 into a perfect square and another factor(Prime number): \[ \sqrt{200}=\sqrt{100 \times 2} \] 2. Split the square root: \[ \sqrt{100} \times \sqrt{2}=10 \sqrt{2} \] 3. Final answer: \[ 10 \sqrt{2} \]

Ask by Hodges Burton. in South Africa
Feb 27,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


To simplify \( \sqrt{200} \), factorize 200 into \( 100 \times 2 \), then split the square root: \( \sqrt{100} \times \sqrt{2} = 10 \times \sqrt{2} \). So, \( \sqrt{200} = 10 \sqrt{2} \).


Let's apply the surd rules to simplify the expression \( \sqrt{200} \) step by step, as outlined in the example provided. ### Step 1: Factorization We start by factorizing \( 200 \) into a perfect square and another factor. The perfect square that divides \( 200 \) is \( 100 \), which is \( 10^2 \). Thus, we can express \( 200 \) as: \[ 200 = 100 \times 2 \] ### Step 2: Splitting the Square Root Using the multiplication rule for surds, we can split the square root: \[ \sqrt{200} = \sqrt{100 \times 2} = \sqrt{100} \times \sqrt{2} \] ### Step 3: Simplifying the Square Root Now, we simplify \( \sqrt{100} \): \[ \sqrt{100} = 10 \] So, substituting this back into our expression gives: \[ \sqrt{200} = 10 \times \sqrt{2} \] ### Final Answer Thus, the simplified form of \( \sqrt{200} \) is: \[ 10 \sqrt{2} \] This process demonstrates the application of the surd rules effectively, leading us to the final simplified expression.

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Mind Expander

Did you know that surds have been used for centuries? Ancient civilizations, including the Greeks and Babylonians, were fascinated by the properties of roots and irrational numbers. They explored these mathematical concepts to better understand geometry, astronomy, and architecture. Famous mathematicians like Euclid and Pythagoras laid the groundwork for these principles, which continue to influence modern maths. In today's world, surds play a crucial role in various fields such as engineering, physics, and computer science. Understanding how to manipulate surds can help engineers calculate load distributions, physicists analyze waves, and programmers handle complex algorithms. By mastering surds, you're not just learning math for the sake of it; you're gearing up for real-world applications that can shape our technological future!

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