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The football team made a first down on their own 33 -yard line. On the next three plays, they lost 8 yards on a fumble, lost 5 yards when their quarterback was sacked, and completed a 30 -yard pass play. Where was the line of scrimmage for the next play? The line of scrimmage for the next play is the \( \square \)-yard line.

Ask by Munoz Ramirez. in the United States
Feb 27,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

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The line of scrimmage for the next play is the 50-yard line.


They started at their own 33-yard line. Then on three consecutive plays they lost 8 yards (33 - 8 = 25-yard line), then lost another 5 yards (25 - 5 = 20-yard line), and finally gained 30 yards (20 + 30 = 50-yard line). So, the line of scrimmage for the next play is the 50-yard line.

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The team started at their own 33-yard line. After the fumble, they moved back to the 25-yard line (33 - 8 = 25). Then, after the quarterback was sacked, they were at the 20-yard line (25 - 5 = 20). Finally, they completed a 30-yard pass play. Since they were on the 20-yard line, they advanced 30 yards to the opponent's side, ending up at the 50-yard line (20 + 30 = 50). The line of scrimmage for the next play is the 50-yard line. It's the perfect spot to get the next play rolling!

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