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Shat eers die antwoorde. Bereken dan die presiese antwoord deur Shat solommetode vir vermenigvuldiging te gebruik: \( \begin{array}{lll}\text { 1. } 234 \times 65 & \text { 2. } 1378 \times 14 & \text { 3. } 2534 \times 75 \\ \text { 4. } 1903 \times 566 & \text { 5. } 3220 \times 480 & \text { 6. } 2097 \times 707\end{array} \)

Ask by Nichols Salinas. in South Africa
Feb 25,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


Here are the exact answers for the multiplication problems: 1. \( 234 \times 65 = 15,210 \) 2. \( 1378 \times 14 = 19,292 \) 3. \( 2534 \times 75 = 190,050 \) 4. \( 1903 \times 566 = 1,077,098 \) 5. \( 3220 \times 480 = 1,545,600 \) 6. \( 2097 \times 707 = 1,482,579 \) If you have any more questions or need further calculations, let me know!


Calculate the value by following steps: - step0: Calculate: \(2534\times 75\) - step1: Multiply the numbers: \(190050\) Calculate or simplify the expression \( 2097 * 707 \). Calculate the value by following steps: - step0: Calculate: \(2097\times 707\) - step1: Multiply the numbers: \(1482579\) Calculate or simplify the expression \( 234 * 65 \). Calculate the value by following steps: - step0: Calculate: \(234\times 65\) - step1: Multiply the numbers: \(15210\) Calculate or simplify the expression \( 1903 * 566 \). Calculate the value by following steps: - step0: Calculate: \(1903\times 566\) - step1: Multiply the numbers: \(1077098\) Calculate or simplify the expression \( 3220 * 480 \). Calculate the value by following steps: - step0: Calculate: \(3220\times 480\) - step1: Multiply the numbers: \(1545600\) Calculate or simplify the expression \( 1378 * 14 \). Calculate the value by following steps: - step0: Calculate: \(1378\times 14\) - step1: Multiply the numbers: \(19292\) Hier is die presiese antwoorde vir die vermenigvuldigingsprobleme: 1. \( 234 \times 65 = 15210 \) 2. \( 1378 \times 14 = 19292 \) 3. \( 2534 \times 75 = 190050 \) 4. \( 1903 \times 566 = 1077098 \) 5. \( 3220 \times 480 = 1545600 \) 6. \( 2097 \times 707 = 1482579 \) As jy enige verdere vrae het of meer berekeninge wil doen, laat weet my!

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Die sommetode vir vermenigvuldiging is 'n prettige en praktiese manier om groot getalle te hanteer! Begin deur die getalle te ontleed in 'n makliker formaat. Byvoorbeeld, vir \( 234 \times 65 \) kan jy dit skryf as \( 234 \times (60 + 5) \). Dit maak dit makliker om die berekening te doen. Dink ook aan hoe belangrik hierdie metode is in die werklike lewe—hoewel dinge soos om die koste van produkte of die berekening van tydsduur hanteer waarskynlik nie altyd met pen en papier sal plaasvind nie, is die beginsels agter oplossings en die skaal van berekeninge steeds baie relevant!

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