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The combined immediate effect of the release of these chemicals is to cause local vasodilation of vessels and increased capillary permeability. increased blood flow to the area. increased fluid in the interstitial spaces of the area. all are true

Ask by Smith Campos. in the United States
Feb 27,2025

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Tutor-Verified Answer


All statements are true.


To analyze the statement, let's break down the components: 1. **Local vasodilation of vessels and increased capillary permeability**: This refers to the widening of blood vessels and the increased ability of substances to pass through the capillary walls, which typically occurs in response to inflammation or injury. 2. **Increased blood flow to the area**: Vasodilation leads to increased blood flow, which is a common physiological response to ensure that more immune cells and nutrients reach the affected area. 3. **Increased fluid in the interstitial spaces of the area**: Increased capillary permeability allows more fluid to escape from the blood vessels into the surrounding tissues, leading to swelling (edema). Given these points, all the statements describe effects that occur together in response to the release of certain chemicals (like histamines, cytokines, etc.) during inflammatory responses. Thus, the correct conclusion is: **All are true.**

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Beyond the Answer

The release of chemicals like histamines and prostaglandins during an inflammatory response facilitates an impressive cascade, leading to local vasodilation. This increased blood flow not only helps deliver immune cells to the site of injury but also warms the area, which is why injuries often feel hot and swollen. It’s nature’s way of ramping up the healing crew! As for increased capillary permeability, this allows essential nutrients and immune factors to leak into the tissues. However, it can also lead to swelling, as excess fluid accumulates in the interstitial spaces. If you’ve ever had a swollen ankle or joint, you’ve felt firsthand how these processes work together, sometimes a little too well!

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