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\( \bar{X}=\frac{\sum f x}{N} \) \( \mathrm{x}= \) Midpoint \( \mathrm{f}= \) frequency

Ask by Ingram Vaughan. in the Philippines
Feb 24,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


The formula calculates the average by multiplying each midpoint by its frequency, summing those products, and then dividing by the total number of observations.


The formula   X̄ = (Σ f·x) / N is used to calculate the arithmetic mean (average) of grouped data. Here’s what each symbol represents: • x: The midpoint of each class interval (or group). When data are grouped, the exact data values aren’t known, so the midpoints are used as representative values for each class. • f: The frequency, or the number of observations, in the corresponding class interval. • N: The total frequency, which is the sum of the frequencies for all the class intervals. The process involves multiplying each class's midpoint by its frequency, summing all those products, and then dividing by the total number of observations. This method gives an estimate of the true mean when only grouped data is available.

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Beyond the Answer

The formula you've shared is a foundational concept in statistics, specifically in the calculation of the mean for grouped data. In this context, the midpoint (\( \mathrm{x} \)) represents the average of the upper and lower bounds of a class interval, effectively yielding a single representative value for each class. The frequencies (\( \mathrm{f} \)), on the other hand, indicate how many observations fall within each interval, allowing statisticians to weigh the midpoints correctly when calculating the overall mean. When applying this formula, a common mistake is neglecting to properly determine the midpoints for each interval, leading to inaccurate results. Additionally, ensure your total frequency (\( N \)) is correct; if the sum of the frequencies doesn’t match the number of observations, your mean will be off! Double-checking these calculations can save you from unnecessary headaches down the line.

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