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Addison's punch recipe uses 6 cups of water and 2 cup of punch mix. What is the percentage of the punch recipe that is punch mix?

Ask by Donnelly Morgan. in the United States
Feb 27,2025

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Tutor-Verified Answer


Punch mix makes up 25% of Addison's punch recipe.


The recipe uses 6 cups of water and 2 cups of punch mix, giving a total of 6 + 2 = 8 cups of liquid. To find the percentage of punch mix, divide the amount of punch mix by the total amount and multiply by 100: (2 cups punch mix / 8 cups total) × 100% = 25% Thus, punch mix makes up 25% of the total recipe.

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To find the percentage of the punch recipe that is punch mix, you first need to add together the total volume of the mixture. In this case, that’s 6 cups of water plus 2 cups of punch mix, which equals 8 cups total. The punch mix makes up 2 cups of that total. To get the percentage, divide the punch mix (2 cups) by the total volume (8 cups) and multiply by 100. So, (2/8) * 100 = 25%. This means that 25% of Addison's punch recipe is punch mix! Now imagine serving your delightful punch at a summer garden party, where the refreshing blend not only quenches thirsts but also gets everyone mingling! You can spice it up by adding slices of fresh fruits or herbs, turning it into a real crowd-pleaser. Invite your friends over and let them guess the ingredients—fun times guaranteed!

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