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Mr van Wyk would like to plant the following vegetables: - POTATOES - BEEIROOT - CARROTS These types of vegetables need loamy soil to grow. He calculated that he would need 150 o00 kg of soil to plant all the vegetables above. As already said, Mr van Wyk has both loam soil and sandy soil in his garden. The ratio of loam soil to sandy soil in the garden is \( 4: 6 \) respectively. The total mass of the soil in Mr van Wyk's garden is 280 980 kg. Study the information above and answer the questions that follow, 3.1 Write down the total mass of the soil in the garden in words. 3.2 Write the ratio \( 4: 6 \) in simplified form. 3.3 Calculate the quantity of loam soil in Mr van Wyk's garden. 3.4 State with reason whether there is enough loam soil to plant all the vegetable.

Ask by Peterson Hall. in South Africa
Feb 27,2025

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3.1 The total mass of soil in Mr van Wyk’s garden is two hundred eighty thousand nine hundred and eighty kilograms. 3.2 The simplified ratio of loam to sandy soil is 2:3. 3.3 Mr van Wyk has 112,392 kilograms of loam soil in his garden. 3.4 There is not enough loam soil for planting all the vegetables.


Below are the solutions to the questions: 3.1 The total mass of soil in Mr van Wyk’s garden is two hundred eighty thousand nine hundred and eighty kilograms. 3.2 The ratio 4:6 simplified is 2:3. 3.3 Since the ratio of loam to sandy soil is 2:3, the loam soil makes up 2 parts out of a total of 2 + 3 = 5 parts. The mass of the loam soil is therefore   (2/5) × 280,980 kg = 112,392 kg. 3.4 There is not enough loam soil. Mr van Wyk needs 150,000 kg of loamy soil for his vegetables, but he only has 112,392 kg available.

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The Deep Dive

The total mass of the soil in Mr van Wyk's garden is two hundred eighty thousand nine hundred eighty kilograms. To simplify the ratio \( 4: 6 \), we divide both numbers by their greatest common divisor, which is 2. This gives us the simplified ratio of \( 2: 3 \). To calculate the quantity of loam soil in Mr van Wyk's garden, we first find the total parts of soil from the ratio \( 4 + 6 = 10 \). The amount of loam soil can then be calculated as \( \frac{4}{10} \times 280 980 \text{ kg} = 112 392 \text{ kg} \). Since Mr van Wyk needs 150 000 kg of loamy soil and he has only 112 392 kg available, there is not enough loam soil to plant all the vegetables.

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