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In order to make understanding and interpretation of SQL queries easier, users have the ability to add comments. The symbol(s) that will tell SQL that an entry is a comment and should not be used in the query is(are) O Asterisk: "*" O 2 dashes: "- -" O The forward slash: " "" O Question mark: "?"

Ask by George Henry. in the United States
Feb 25,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


Use double-dashes (--) to add comments in SQL.


The correct answer is: 2 dashes: "- -". In SQL, a double-dash (--) is used to indicate that the rest of the line is a comment. Any text after the double-dash on that line is ignored by the SQL engine.

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The Deep Dive

In SQL, comments can be added in various ways to enhance readability and provide explanations without affecting the execution of the code. Single-line comments can be created using two dashes `--`, while multi-line comments can be enclosed between `/*` and `*/`. This flexibility allows developers to document their code effectively and clarify complex queries for themselves and others. Understanding how to effectively use comments in SQL can significantly improve collaboration among team members. When you're working on a complex query or a project with multiple participants, clear comments can guide users through the logic, assumptions, and values used, making it easier for new developers to pick up where someone else left off or for you to revisit your work after some time away!

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