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Determine the value(s) of \( k \) for which \( f(x)=k \) will have two unequal positive real roots.

Ask by Erickson Alexander. in South Africa
Feb 27,2025

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To find the values of \( k \) for which \( f(x) = k \) has two unequal positive real roots, analyze the function \( f(x) \) by finding its critical points and determining the range of \( k \) where the equation intersects the line \( y = k \) at two distinct positive points.


To determine the values of \( k \) for which the equation \( f(x) = k \) has two unequal positive real roots, we need to analyze the function \( f(x) \) and its behavior. 1. **Identify the function**: We need to know the specific form of \( f(x) \). If \( f(x) \) is a polynomial or another type of function, we can analyze its properties (like its derivative, critical points, and concavity). 2. **Conditions for two unequal positive real roots**: - The function \( f(x) \) must intersect the line \( y = k \) at two points. - The value of \( k \) must be such that the intersection points are both positive and unequal. 3. **Finding critical points**: We will find the derivative \( f'(x) \) and set it to zero to find critical points. This will help us determine the local maxima and minima of \( f(x) \). 4. **Analyzing the function**: We will evaluate the function at the critical points and check the values of \( f(x) \) to find the range of \( k \) that allows for two intersections. 5. **Determine the range of \( k \)**: We will find the maximum and minimum values of \( f(x) \) at the critical points and determine the range of \( k \) that allows for two unequal positive roots. Please provide the specific form of \( f(x) \) so that we can proceed with the calculations.

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For the function \( f(x) \) to have two unequal positive real roots when set equal to \( k \), the graph of the function must intersect the horizontal line \( y = k \) at two distinct points in the positive \( x \)-region. This generally requires the following conditions: 1. The value \( k \) must be less than the maximum value of \( f(x) \) (assuming a maximum exists). 2. The function \( f(x) \) must be increasing or decreasing around the critical points such that it fully crosses the line \( y = k \) in the positive \( x \)-axis. In conclusion, find the maximum value of \( f(x) \) (if bounded), identify where the function is positive and continuously varying, and select \( k \) in that range excluding the maximum point and taking care to ensure the roots remain distinct. Happy solving!

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