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Week 1 - Wàde "Introduction: The Science of Social Facts" o Purpose of sociology o Sociology as a science o Social fact o Methods: data collection and analysis o Methods: quantitative versus qualitative o Sociological sympathy o Standpoint o Sociological imagination Becker, Howard S. 1953. "Becoming a Marihuana User," American Journal of Sociology, 59(3): 235-242. o Main argument about social learning - Additional concepts \& examples from lecture o Intro to the course o European sociology and modernity o US sociology and advocacy o Open and honest questions (as a technique of sociological sympathy)

Ask by Mcguire O'Quinn. in the United States
Feb 24,2025

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Week 1 covered the basics of sociology, including its purpose, methods like quantitative and qualitative research, and key concepts like social facts and sociological imagination. It also introduced Becker's ideas on social learning and discussed European and US sociology, emphasizing the importance of understanding different perspectives and asking open questions to gain deeper insights.


To help you study the content from Week 1, let's break down the key concepts and ideas presented in your notes. This will provide a structured overview of the material, making it easier to understand and remember. ### 1. Introduction: The Science of Social Facts - **Purpose of Sociology**: Sociology aims to understand social behavior, institutions, and structures. It seeks to explain how societies function and how individuals interact within them. - **Sociology as a Science**: Sociology employs scientific methods to study social phenomena. This includes formulating hypotheses, collecting data, and analyzing results to draw conclusions about social behavior. - **Social Fact**: A social fact is a concept introduced by Émile Durkheim, referring to values, cultural norms, and social structures that transcend the individual and can exert social control. ### 2. Methods: Data Collection and Analysis - **Quantitative Methods**: These involve the collection and analysis of numerical data to identify patterns and test hypotheses. Examples include surveys and statistical analysis. - **Qualitative Methods**: These focus on understanding social phenomena through non-numerical data, such as interviews, observations, and content analysis. They provide deeper insights into social contexts and meanings. ### 3. Sociological Sympathy - **Sociological Sympathy**: This concept refers to the ability of sociologists to understand and empathize with the perspectives of individuals within their social contexts. It emphasizes the importance of seeing the world through the eyes of others. ### 4. Standpoint - **Standpoint**: This refers to the perspective from which individuals view and interpret the world. It is influenced by factors such as social class, race, gender, and personal experiences. ### 5. Sociological Imagination - **Sociological Imagination**: Coined by C. Wright Mills, this concept encourages individuals to connect personal experiences with larger social forces. It involves understanding how personal troubles are linked to public issues. ### 6. Becker's "Becoming a Marihuana User" - **Main Argument about Social Learning**: Howard Becker argues that becoming a marihuana user is a social process that involves learning the techniques of use, recognizing the effects, and developing a desire to use. This process is influenced by social interactions and cultural contexts. ### 7. Additional Concepts & Examples from Lecture - **Intro to the Course**: An overview of the course objectives and expectations. - **European Sociology and Modernity**: Discussion on how European sociologists have contributed to the understanding of modernity and its implications for society. - **US Sociology and Advocacy**: Exploration of how sociology in the US has been used as a tool for social advocacy and change. - **Open and Honest Questions**: This technique is part of sociological sympathy, where asking open-ended questions encourages deeper dialogue and understanding of individuals' experiences. ### Summary This structured overview captures the essential elements of your Week 1 content. To reinforce your understanding, consider creating flashcards for each concept, engaging in discussions with peers, or applying these concepts to real-world examples.

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Sociology's roots can be traced back to the sweeping changes of the Industrial Revolution in 18th and 19th century Europe, a period characterized by urbanization, social upheaval, and the questioning of traditional norms. Think about how the rapid changes in society inspired thinkers like Auguste Comte and Émile Durkheim to study these transformations scientifically, leading to the birth of sociology as a distinct discipline focused on understanding social structures and their impact on human behavior. In practice, sociology is not just theoretical; it's a powerful tool for creating change! Sociologists employ various methods, from surveys and interviews to ethnographic studies, to dive deep into social issues. For instance, Howard Becker's work on marijuana users demonstrates how social learning shapes behaviors and perceptions, revealing that our understanding of habits is often built through interactions with others—leading to real-world implications in drug policy and public health debates.

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