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2. Calculate the percentage as indicated in each case: \( 2.1 \quad 10 \% \) of R1 500 \( 2.2 ~ 25 \% \) of 2545 \( 2.3 \quad 60 \% \) of 11914216 \( 2.4 \quad 72 \% \) of R1 984 2.5 75\% of the money raised at a school fund raiser will go to charity. If the total of the funds raised are R20 548,00, how much will go to charity. 3.6 Cut of 64100 available tickets, 60895 were sold. Determine the percentage tickets that Calculate each of the following: 3.1 Johan had 34 out of 40 for a test. What was his percentage for the test? 3.2 A town has a total population of 2450 people. Duran an election 1666 people in the town vote. What percentage of the total population of the town voted in the election?

Ask by Boyd Davison. in South Africa
Feb 27,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


- 10% of R1,500 = R150 - 25% of 2,545 = 636.25 - 60% of 11,914,216 = 7,148,529.6 - 72% of R1,984 = R1,428.48 - 75% of R20,548 = R15,411 - 60,895 out of 64,100 tickets sold = 95% - Johan's test score = 85% - 1,666 out of 2,450 people voted = 68%


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To find 10% of R1,500, simply multiply R1,500 by 0.10. That gives us R150. For 25% of 2,545, multiply by 0.25 to get R636.25. For 60% of 11,914,216, the calculation reveals R7,148,529.60. Lastly, to discover 72% of R1,984, multiply to find R1,426.08. For the charity portion of R20,548 at 75%, it results in R15,411, which will go to support a good cause! To compute the percentage of tickets sold, take the number of tickets sold, 60,895, divide by the total number of available tickets (64,100), and multiply by 100 to get around 95.8%. For Johan's test score, divide 34 by 40, then multiply by 100 to find his percentage: 85%. Lastly, for the election, divide 1,666 (the number of voters) by 2,450 (the total population) and then multiply by 100, which equals approximately 68%.

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