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When performing the calculation \( (8.45+6.913)^{*} 2.8800 \), what is the correct answer, to the proper number of significant figures? 44.26 44.2 44 44.245 40

Ask by Craig Moran. in the United States
Feb 24,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


The correct answer is 44.2.


Calculate or simplify the expression \( (8.45+6.913)*2.8800 \). Calculate the value by following steps: - step0: Calculate: \(\left(8.45+6.913\right)\times 2.88\) - step1: Add the numbers: \(15.363\times 2.88\) - step2: Multiply the numbers: \(44.24544\) The correct answer to the calculation \( (8.45+6.913)^{*} 2.8800 \) is 44.24544. To determine the correct number of significant figures, we need to look at the original numbers in the calculation. The original numbers are: - 8.45 - 6.913 - 2.8800 The number of significant figures in each number is: - 8.45: 3 significant figures - 6.913: 4 significant figures - 2.8800: 4 significant figures The number with the fewest significant figures is 3, so the answer should be rounded to 3 significant figures. Therefore, the correct answer to the calculation, rounded to 3 significant figures, is 44.2.

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To tackle the calculation \( (8.45 + 6.913) \times 2.8800 \), begin by summing the first two numbers. The result, 15.363, should be considered with significant figures; 8.45 has three significant figures, and 6.913 has four, so the sum is 15.4 (rounded to three significant figures). Then, multiply by 2.8800 (which has five significant figures). The final calculation gives \( 15.4 \times 2.8800 = 44.352 \), which rounds to 44.4 when respecting significant figures—making the answer 44.4 (using three significant figures due to the initial sum). To enhance your grasp of significant figures, it helps to know that it's all about precision in measurement. When adding, your result should match the least precise decimal place. Meanwhile, in multiplication, your result takes on the least number of significant figures from the factors involved. Keeping these rules in check helps you avoid the common pitfall of assuming all digits are equally important!

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