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Which action requires the use of the second function button on the Texas Instruments T1-30XIIS calculator? a. LOG b. MEMVAR c. RCL d. STO

Ask by Goodwin Young. in the United States
Feb 26,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


To use MEMVAR on the Texas Instruments T1-30XIIS calculator, you need to press the 2nd function key first.


The T1‑30XIIS is set up so that some functions appear on a key’s secondary (shifted) face. In this model the LOG key is on a key face by itself, but the calculator’s memory‐functions (such as recalling or storing a memory variable, or accessing the memory–variable menu) are printed “above” their keys. That is, to execute the MEMVAR command (which brings up the memory–variable features) you must first press the second–function key and then the key showing MEMVAR. Thus, among the options given, MEMVAR is the action that requires the use of the 2nd function key. The answer is: b. MEMVAR.

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Extra Insights

The action that requires the use of the second function button on the Texas Instruments T1-30XIIS calculator is LOG. By pressing the second function key, you can access the logarithmic function, which allows you to perform calculations involving base 10 logarithms. It's essential to remember that the second function key is a powerful tool for accessing additional functionalities. For example, if you need to recall a stored value, you would use the RCL function, but that operates directly without needing the second function. So, when in doubt, keep experimenting with that little button—it's a math wizard's best friend!

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