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Travis recently purchased a callable bond. However, that bond cannot be currently redeemed by the issuer. Thus, the bond must currently be: a. a "fallen angel." b. subject to a sinking fund provision. d. a debenture. e. call protected.

Ask by Weber Matthews. in the United States
Feb 26,2025

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Tutor-Verified Answer


The bond is call protected.


The correct answer is e. call protected. Explanation: Callable bonds often have a period at the beginning of their lives during which the issuer is not allowed to redeem or "call" them. This period is known as the call protection period. Since Travis's bond cannot currently be redeemed by the issuer, it indicates that the bond is still within its call protection period. The other options do not describe this feature: - A "fallen angel" refers to a bond that has been downgraded from investment grade. - A sinking fund provision requires the issuer to regularly set aside funds to repay the debt. - A debenture is an unsecured bond backed only by the issuer’s creditworthiness. Thus, the bond is call protected.

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Travis's callable bond is likely call protected, meaning that there are certain periods during which the issuer cannot redeem the bond before its maturity date. This feature is typically included to protect investors from having their bonds called away in a declining interest rate environment, ensuring they can continue to benefit from their investment until the call protection period ends. Callable bonds often offer higher yields than non-callable bonds to compensate investors for the risk of early redemption. However, understanding the terms and conditions, such as the call protection period, is crucial. Investors should always read the bond's prospectus to discern when, if ever, the bond might be callable, maximizing their investment strategy.

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