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QUESTION FOUR Given a simple model: \[ y=\beta_{0}+\beta_{1} x+u \] a) Write the OLS estimators for \( \beta_{0} \) and \( \beta_{1} \). ( 8 marks) b) What is \( u \) and what does it include? ( 10 marks) c) If you are to estimate the model above, what would be the required OL.S assumption about the expectation of the error term \( u \) and variable \( x \)

Ask by Ball Vargas. in Tanzania
Feb 24,2025

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a) The OLS estimators for β₀ and β₁ are: - β₁̂ = (Σ(xᵢ – x̄)(yᵢ – ȳ)) / (Σ(xᵢ – x̄)²) - β₀̂ = ȳ – β₁̂ · x̄ b) \( u \) is the error term, representing factors not included in the model that affect y, such as omitted variables and random disturbances. c) The OLS assumption is that the expected value of the error term \( u \) given x is zero, meaning \( E(u | x) = 0 \).


Below are detailed answers to each part of the question: ────────────────────────────── a) OLS Estimators for β₀ and β₁ For the simple linear regression model   y = β₀ + β₁x + u the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimators are obtained by minimizing the sum of squared residuals. They are given by:   β₁̂ = (Σ(xᵢ – x̄)(yᵢ – ȳ)) / (Σ(xᵢ – x̄)²)   β₀̂ = ȳ – β₁̂ · x̄ where: • x̄ = (1/n) Σ xᵢ is the mean of x, • ȳ = (1/n) Σ yᵢ is the mean of y, and • the summations run over all n observations. ────────────────────────────── b) Definition and Components of u In the model, u denotes the error term. It represents the difference between the observed value of y and the value predicted by the linear relationship (β₀ + β₁x). In other words, u includes:  • The effect of all other factors influencing y that are not captured by the explanatory variable x.  • Omitted variables that affect y.  • Random shocks or disturbances.  • Measurement errors in the dependent variable (if present). Thus, u embodies all influences on y that are omitted from the model and any randomness that prevents the model from perfectly predicting y. ────────────────────────────── c) The Required OLS Assumption on u and x A key OLS assumption needed for unbiased estimation of β₀ and β₁ is that the error term has a zero conditional mean given x. Formally, this assumption is written as:   E(u | x) = 0 This assumption implies that:  • On average, the error term does not depend on the value of x.  • There is no systematic relationship between x and u.  • All omitted factors or random shocks (captured by u) are uncorrelated with the explanatory variable x. This condition is crucial because if u and x were correlated, the OLS estimators would be biased, leading to incorrect inference about the impact of x on y. ────────────────────────────── Summary a) β₁̂ = Σ(xᵢ – x̄)(yᵢ – ȳ) / Σ(xᵢ – x̄)² and β₀̂ = ȳ – β₁̂ · x̄. b) u is the error term capturing all factors affecting y other than x, including omitted variables, measurement error, and random disturbances. c) The required OLS assumption is E(u | x) = 0, meaning the error term has zero conditional mean and is uncorrelated with the explanatory variable x.

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The ordinary least squares (OLS) estimators for \( \beta_{0} \) and \( \beta_{1} \) in the given linear regression model are derived from minimizing the sum of squared residuals. Specifically, the estimates are calculated as follows: \[ \hat{\beta}_{1} = \frac{Cov(x, y)}{Var(x)} \] \[ \hat{\beta}_{0} = \bar{y} - \hat{\beta}_{1} \bar{x} \] where \( \bar{y} \) and \( \bar{x} \) represent the means of \( y \) and \( x \), respectively. Thus, the OLS estimators are aimed at finding the best-fitting line through the data points. In this model, \( u \) represents the error term and captures the difference between the observed values and those predicted by the linear relationship. It includes any unobserved factors that influence \( y \), measurement errors in \( y \), omitted variables that affect \( y \), and random noise not accounted for by the model. Essentially, \( u \) embodies all variations in \( y \) that are not explained by the linear function of \( x \). For the OLS estimates to be unbiased, it is essential that the expected value of the error term \( u \) given \( x \) equals zero. This means that the errors should not systematically vary with \( x \), ensuring that there is no endogeneity or omitted variable bias in the model. This assumption allows us to assert that the predictors are orthogonal to the error term, enabling reliable estimates of \( \beta_{0} \) and \( \beta_{1} \).

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