Ruiz Bush
10/28/2023 · Middle School

1. The distance between air particles is very small-about \( 3 \times 10^{-7} \mathrm{~cm} \). How can we say that there is considerable empty space in air? 2. How would you determine the density of an irregularly shaped object? 3. Pascal's Principle says that an increase in pressure in one part of an enclosed liquid results in an increase in pressure throughout all parts of that liquid. Why then does the pressure differs at different heights? 4. What does the atmospheric pressure is 760 mm of mercury mean? 5. Why does a fluid exert an upward force on an object submerged in it? 6. What would happen to the level of water in the oceans if all icebergs presently floating in the oceans melted? 7. Describe a method to measure the density of a liquid. 8. Two objects have the same volume, but one is heavier than the other. When they are completely submerged in oil, on which one does the oil exert a greater buoyant force?

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1. Air particles are close together but not touching, creating significant empty space. 2. Measure mass and volume of an irregularly shaped object, then divide mass by volume to find density. 3. Pascal's Principle states pressure is equal in all directions, but pressure increases with depth in a liquid. 4. Atmospheric pressure is the weight of air equivalent to a 760 mm column of mercury. 5. Fluids exert an upward force on submerged objects due to pressure differences. 6. Melting icebergs would increase ocean water levels. 7. Measure mass and volume of a liquid, then divide mass by volume to find density. 8. The heavier object submerged in oil experiences a greater buoyant force.

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