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Statistics Questions & Answers

Confidence Intervals - Proportions An interactive poll found that 347 of 2,394 adults aged 18 or older have at least one tattoo. (a) Obtain a point estimate for the proportion of adults who have at least one tattoo. (b) Construct a \( 95 \% \) confidence interval for the proportion of adults with at least one tattoo. (c) Construct a \( 99 \% \) confidence interval for the proportion of adults with at least one tattoo. (d) What is the effect of increasing the level of confidence on the width of the interval?
What is a scatter plot?
The mean weight of a pair of shoes is 825.00 g with a standard deviation of 71.00 g . The mean weight of an empty shoe box for a pair of shoes is 52.00 g with a standard deviation of 3.20 g . What are the mean and standard deviation of the weight of a shoe box with a pair of shoes inside? Mean = [?] S.D. \( ] \)
Alena is trying to determine the best restaurant to go to for a special occasion. An online restaurant review site asked people to vote for their favorite restaurant coded \( A, B \) or \( C \). The votes for favorite restaurants are \( \{C, C, C, C, B, C, B, B, A, A, C, B, A\} \) What is the mode of this data set? Submit Question
The mean weight of a pair of shoes is 878.00 g with a standard deviation of 49.00 g . The mean weight of an empty shoe box for a pair of shoes is 73.00 g with a standard deviation of 6.60 g . What are the mean and standard deviation of the weight of a shoe box with a pair of shoes inside? Mean = [?] S.D. \( =[\square \)
The population of the Salt Lake City metro was \( 1,087,802 \) in 2010 . It was \( 1,169,680 \) in 2020. Find the absolute change in population from 2010 to 2020. Find the relative change of the population from 2010 to 2020. Round the percentage to two decimal places.
The mean weight of a pair of shoes is 780.00 g with a standard deviation of 62.00 g . The mear weight of an empty shoe box for a pair of shoe: is 45.00 g with a standard deviation of 4.70 g . What are the mean and standard deviation of the weight of a shoe box with a pair of shoes inside? Mean = [?] S.D. \( ] \) [ \( ] \)
Three textbooks have a mean weight of 16.40 pounds, with a standard deviation of 2.20 pounds. A cardboard shipping box has a mean weight of 0.74 pounds with a standard deviation of 0.13 pounds. What are the mean and standard deviation of the weight of a shipping box packed with three textbooks? Mean = [?] S.D. \( \quad \) [ \( ] \)
Three textbooks have a mean weight of 18.1 (3) pounds, with a standard deviation of 1.15 pounds. A cardboard shipping box has a mean weight of 0.52 pounds with a standard deviation of 0.14 pounds. What are the mean and standard deviation of the weight of a shipping box packed with three textbooks? Mean \( =18.62 \quad \) S.D. \( =[?] \) Round to \( ] \)
On a survey of 100 people, only 38 claimed a favorable opinion of the news media in the United States. Write this ratio as a percentage. \( \square \)
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