Fuentes Donnelly
07/04/2024 · High School

Based on the picture, 1. What represents the plates? 2. What represents the mantle? 3. Where is the heat source? 4. Why are the blocks of wood floating? 5. Which part of the water has a greater density? Lesser density? 6. Explain convection current

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Quick Answer

  1. The blocks of wood.
  2. The water.
  3. The heat source is below the beaker.
  4. Because they are less dense than water.
  5. The bottom part has a greater density; the top part has a lesser density.
  6. Convection current is the circular motion of fluid caused by the heating and cooling cycle.

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Supplemental Knowledge:

Understanding the Earth's internal processes can be greatly enhanced by studying models that represent these processes. The Earth's lithosphere (comprising the crust and upper mantle) is divided into tectonic plates that float on the more fluid asthenosphere beneath them. Heat from the Earth's core drives convection currents in the mantle, which in turn drive the movement of these plates.


Life in Context:

Imagine a pot of boiling soup on your stove. As it heats up, you can see bits of vegetables moving around in a circular pattern. This movement is similar to how convection currents work within the Earth’s mantle, driving the movement of tectonic plates on its surface. Just as heat causes the soup to move, heat from the Earth's core causes rock in the mantle to flow, which then moves the plates above.

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