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19. Which words have horizontal reflection symmetry? \begin{tabular}{ll} A) BOOK & (C) CHECK \\ (B) POP & (D) SUCCEED \\ \hline\end{tabular}

Ask by Lawson Stanley. in the United States
Feb 20,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


POP has horizontal reflection symmetry.


To determine which words have horizontal reflection symmetry, we need to analyze each word to see if it looks the same when reflected across a horizontal line through its center. 1. **BOOK**: - When reflected horizontally, the letters "B" and "K" do not maintain their appearance. Therefore, "BOOK" does not have horizontal reflection symmetry. 2. **POP**: - When reflected horizontally, the letters "P" and "O" maintain their appearance. The word "POP" looks the same when reflected. Therefore, "POP" has horizontal reflection symmetry. 3. **CHECK**: - When reflected horizontally, the letters "C", "H", and "K" do not maintain their appearance. Therefore, "CHECK" does not have horizontal reflection symmetry. 4. **SUCCEED**: - When reflected horizontally, the letters "S", "U", "C", "E", and "D" do not maintain their appearance. Therefore, "SUCCEED" does not have horizontal reflection symmetry. Based on this analysis, the only word that has horizontal reflection symmetry is: **B) POP**.

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The Deep Dive

BOOK and POP have horizontal reflection symmetry! When you look at them in a mirror placed along their horizontal axis, they appear unchanged. Each letter in these words maintains its shape when flipped upside down. On the other hand, CHECK and SUCCEED don’t possess this symmetry – their letters would just be upside down and unrecognizable! It's like a fun trick for your eyes! If you're looking for other examples, try writing down a few more words with similar letters like O, X, and H, which are symmetrically pleasing. You’ll uncover a whole new world of reflective marvels in the alphabet!

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