
1.1.6 Determine the map reference numbers of the maps directly south, east and north of 2930 AB GREYTOWN.

Ask by Rodriquez Luna. in South Africa
Jan 23,2025

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The map reference numbers adjacent to 2930 AB Greytown are: - **South:** 2929 AB - **East:** 2930 AC - **North:** 2931 AB


To determine the map reference numbers adjacent to **2930 AB Greytown**—specifically to the **south**, **east**, and **north**—we can assume a standard grid-based map numbering system where: - **Numbers** typically increase **northward**. - **Letters** typically increase **eastward**. Given this convention: 1. **South of 2930 AB Greytown:** - **Reference Number:** **2929 AB** - **Explanation:** The number decreases by one when moving south. 2. **East of 2930 AB Greytown:** - **Reference Number:** **2930 AC** - **Explanation:** The letter increases by one when moving east. 3. **North of 2930 AB Greytown:** - **Reference Number:** **2931 AB** - **Explanation:** The number increases by one when moving north. **Summary of Adjacent Map References:** - **South:** **2929 AB** - **East:** **2930 AC** - **North:** **2931 AB** This assumes a sequential and grid-aligned map numbering system. If your map series follows a different convention, please refer to the specific map index or legend provided with your maps.

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To navigate this map reference web, think of 2930 AB GREYTOWN as your home base. Moving directly south, you will find the map reference 2930 AB GREYTOWN - 1 (which could represent a different section covering the area south). East will lead you to 2931 AB GREYTOWN, and heading north brings you to 2930 AB GREYTOWN + 1, rounding up the coordinates with a precise directional twist! Maps can be a bit quirky, so remember, when shifting map references, you typically adjust the numbers in a systematic way. Ensure that the letters and numeric values correspond correctly—moving south generally lowers your map reference number, while east and north will increase them naturally!

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