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2 Quiz \[ \begin{array}{l}\text { Tell whether the following statement is true or false. If false, give the reason. } \\ \{x \mid x \text { is a counting number greater than } 33\}=\{33,34,35, \ldots\}\end{array} \] \( \begin{array}{l}\text { A. False; } 33 \text { is not a counting number. False; } 33 \text { is less than any element in the set. } \\ \text { Crue } 24 \\ \text { D. False; } 33 \text { is not greater than } 33 .\end{array} \)

Ask by Li Ramos. in the United States
Feb 19,2025

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Tutor-Verified Answer


The statement is false because 33 is not greater than 33.


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Answered by UpStudy AI and reviewed by a Professional Tutor

Mind Expander

The statement is indeed false! Counting numbers start at 1, and while 33 is a number, it doesn't count as "greater than 33." So, the set \(\{x \mid x \text{ is a counting number greater than } 33\}\) should correctly be represented as \(\{34, 35, 36, \ldots\}\), thus omitting 33 entirely. Think of it this way, if you had a party that started at 34, you wouldn’t let 33 crash the scene! In set notation, you need to keep your bouncers (the rules) strict to ensure that only the right numbers get in. So, it’s all about being clear on the definitions and boundaries of your sets.

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