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Rational Numbers 4. Write the following rational numbers in the simplest form (Standard form). \( \begin{array}{lll}\text { i) } \frac{-8}{6} & \text { ii) } \frac{25}{45} & \text { iii) } \frac{-18}{8} \\ \text { 5. Fill in the boxes with the correct symbol out of }>\text {, }<\text { and }=\text {. } \\ \begin{array}{lll}\text { i) } \frac{-5}{7} \square \frac{2}{3} & \text { ii) } \frac{-4}{5} \square \frac{-5}{7} & \text { iii) } \frac{-7}{8} \square \frac{14}{-16}\end{array} \\ \text { 6. Write the following rational numbers in ascending order. } \\ \text { i) } \frac{-3}{5}, \frac{-2}{5}, \frac{-1}{5} & \text { ii) } \frac{2}{7}, \frac{-3}{5}, \frac{4}{3}\end{array} \) 7. Find an equivalent form of the rational numbers \( \frac{3}{4}, \frac{7}{6} \) and \( \frac{11}{12} \) having a common denominatare

Ask by Bowman Williams. in India
Jan 22,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


**4. Simplified Rational Numbers:** - \( \frac{-8}{6} = \frac{-4}{3} \) - \( \frac{25}{45} = \frac{5}{9} \) - \( \frac{-18}{8} = \frac{-9}{4} \) **5. Comparison Symbols:** - \( \frac{-5}{7} < \frac{2}{3} \) - \( \frac{-4}{5} < \frac{-5}{7} \) - \( \frac{-7}{8} = \frac{14}{-16} \) **6. Ascending Order:** - \( \frac{-3}{5} < \frac{-2}{5} < \frac{-1}{5} \) - \( \frac{-3}{5} < \frac{2}{7} < \frac{4}{3} \) **7. Equivalent Fractions with Common Denominator 12:** - \( \frac{3}{4} = \frac{9}{12} \) - \( \frac{7}{6} = \frac{14}{12} \) - \( \frac{11}{12} = \frac{11}{12} \)


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Answered by UpStudy AI and reviewed by a Professional Tutor

Mind Expander

To simplify the given rational numbers: i) \(\frac{-8}{6}\) simplifies to \(\frac{-4}{3}\) (dividing both numerator and denominator by 2). ii) \(\frac{25}{45}\) simplifies to \(\frac{5}{9}\) (dividing both by 5). iii) \(\frac{-18}{8}\) simplifies to \(\frac{-9}{4}\) (dividing both by 2). For comparing the rational numbers using the correct symbols: i) \(\frac{-5}{7} < \frac{2}{3}\) (since -5/7 is negative and 2/3 is positive). ii) \(\frac{-4}{5} < \frac{-5}{7}\) (because -4/5 is more negative). iii) \(\frac{-7}{8} = \frac{14}{-16}\) (as -7/8 equals 14/-16 when both are simplified). In ascending order: i) \(\frac{-3}{5}, \frac{-2}{5}, \frac{-1}{5}\) is \(\frac{-3}{5} < \frac{-2}{5} < \frac{-1}{5}\). ii) Arranging \(\frac{2}{7}, \frac{-3}{5}, \frac{4}{3}\) gives \(\frac{-3}{5} < \frac{2}{7} < \frac{4}{3}\). To find equivalent forms with a common denominator for \(\frac{3}{4}, \frac{7}{6}\), and \(\frac{11}{12}\): The least common denominator (LCD) of 4, 6, and 12 is 12. For \(\frac{3}{4} = \frac{9}{12}\) (multiply by 3), \(\frac{7}{6} = \frac{14}{12}\) (multiply by 2), \(\frac{11}{12}\) remains \(\frac{11}{12}\).

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