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6. The thickest layer of the Earth is the * continental crust The outer core the oceanic crust The mantle

Ask by Ellis Fitzgerald. in the United States
Jan 22,2025

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The mantle is the thickest layer of the Earth.


The thickest layer of the Earth is the **mantle**. **Explanation:** - **Continental Crust:** This is the layer that forms the continents and is relatively thin compared to other layers, averaging about 35 kilometers in thickness. - **Oceanic Crust:** This is thinner than the continental crust, averaging about 7 kilometers in thickness, and forms the ocean floors. - **Mantle:** This is the thickest layer of the Earth, extending to a depth of about 2,900 kilometers. It is composed of silicate minerals that are rich in magnesium and iron. - **Outer Core:** While extensive, the outer core is not as thick as the mantle. It extends from about 2,900 kilometers to 5,150 kilometers below the Earth's surface. **Answer:** The mantle

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The Deep Dive

The mantle is like the Earth's middle layer and is about 2,900 kilometers thick, making it the thickest layer of the Earth! It's composed of semi-solid rock that flows slowly, allowing for tectonic plate movements. Imagine it as a gooey chocolate cake layer filling the space between the hard crust and the molten outer core! Now, if you ever find yourself wondering why volcanoes erupt or why earthquakes occur, it all ties back to the interactions of the mantle with the crust. The movement of tectonic plates, caused by the slow convection currents within the mantle, can lead to these fascinating geological events. It's like nature's very own animated show!

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