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hallway between the two 3. Where the two lines or rulers cross, you Activity 2: Locate exact position using degrees and minutes Use the map in Figure 1.5 on page 12. 1. Find the towns at each of these coordinates: \( 1.132^{\circ} 24^{\prime} \) S; \( 20^{\circ} 40^{\prime} \) E \[ \begin{array}{l} \text { tes: } \\ 1.234^{\circ} 12^{\prime} \mathrm{S} ; 22^{\circ} 08^{\prime} \mathrm{E} \\ \end{array} \] \( 1.333^{\circ} 58^{\prime} \) S; \( 18^{\circ} 30^{\prime} \) E 2. Name the feature at each of these coordinates: \( 2.133^{\circ} 48^{\prime} \) S; \( 18^{\circ} 22^{\prime} \) E \[ \begin{array}{l} \text { dinates: } \\ \begin{array}{l} 2.233^{\circ} 05^{\prime} \mathrm{S} ; 19^{\circ} 10^{\prime} \mathrm{E} \\ 2.4 \\ 23^{\circ} 50^{\prime} \mathrm{S} ; \\ 21^{\circ} 40^{\prime} \mathrm{E} \end{array} \end{array} \] \( 2.333^{\circ} 20^{\prime} \mathrm{S} ; 22^{\circ}{ }^{15^{\prime}} \) E 3. According to the map, how many people live in each of these towns? (3) 3.1 Robertson ( \( 33^{\circ} 48^{\prime} \mathrm{S} ; 19^{\circ} 53^{\prime} \mathrm{E} \) ) 3.2 Beaufort West ( \( 32^{\circ} 23^{\prime} \mathrm{S} ; 22^{\circ} 34^{\prime} \mathrm{E} \) ) 3.3 Cape Town ( \( 33^{\circ} 58^{\prime} \mathrm{S} ; 18^{\circ} 30^{\prime} \mathrm{E} \) )

Ask by Herrera Barker. in South Africa
Feb 10,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

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To locate towns and features on the map: 1. **Locate Towns:** - Use the given latitude and longitude coordinates to find the exact positions on the map. - Identify the towns at each coordinate by looking for their labels or symbols. 2. **Name Features:** - Use the provided coordinates to find landmarks or features on the map. - Write down the names or descriptions of these features. 3. **Find Population Data:** - Locate the specified towns on the map using their coordinates. - Check the map for population numbers next to each town. Refer to the map’s legend and grid lines to ensure accurate placement.


It looks like you’re working on an exercise that asks you to locate towns and features on a map (Figure 1.5 on page 12) using given degrees and minutes. Because the task depends on a specific map that isn’t included here, I can’t “look up” the answers on your behalf. However, I can help you understand how to work through the activity so you can find the answers on your map. Here are some steps and tips: ────────────────────────────── 1. Locating Towns from Coordinates You’re given coordinates such as:  • 1.132° 24′ S; 20° 40′ E  • 1.234° 12′ S; 22° 08′ E  • 1.333° 58′ S; 18° 30′ E For each:  a. Find the latitude line on the map. (Remember, latitudes run east–west.)   – The “S” tells you to look south of the equator.  b. Find the corresponding longitude line. (Longitudes run north–south.)   – “E” tells you the line is east of the Prime Meridian.  c. Wherever the latitude and longitude lines cross is the location on your map.  d. Check if there’s a town label, symbol, or name at that crossing. Write down the town names you identify at each of those three coordinates. ────────────────────────────── 2. Naming Features from Coordinates You’re given other sets of coordinates (for example):  • 2.133° 48′ S; 18° 22′ E  • 2.233° 05′ S; 19° 10′ E  • 2.423° 50′ S; 21° 40′ E  • 2.333° 20′ S; 22° 15′ E Follow the same process:  a. Draw (or imagine) the latitude (south) and longitude (east) lines on the map.  b. Locate the feature that sits at that intersection. In this exercise the “feature” might be a landmark such as a river, mountain, or a boundary—depending on what’s shown on the map.  c. Write down the name or description of that feature as indicated on the map. ────────────────────────────── 3. Finding Population Data for Towns For these three towns, use the coordinates provided to locate their positions on the map and then check the map’s key or labels for population numbers:  3.1 Robertson (33° 48′ S; 19° 53′ E)  3.2 Beaufort West (32° 23′ S; 22° 34′ E)  3.3 Cape Town (33° 58′ S; 18° 30′ E) On many thematic or census maps, towns will be accompanied by small figures or annotations showing population. When you find each town on the map:  • Look at its label and any accompanying number that represents its population.  • Record those numbers as your answer for 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3. ────────────────────────────── Additional Suggestions • If the map has a grid (with lines of latitude and longitude clearly marked), use a ruler to trace the given coordinates for more accuracy. • Double-check the “N/S” and “E/W” designations to ensure you locate the correct half of the map. • Use the map legend/key: often a legend will explain symbols for towns, natural features, or urban areas. • In some textbooks the accompanying instructions or a sample might offer hints on how to “read” the coordinate grid. ────────────────────────────── If you have a scan or picture of Figure 1.5 or some extra context (like the textbook title or additional instructions), please share that. With the visual, I’d be happy to guide you further or help check your answers. Good luck with your map reading!

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Finding exact coordinates is like being a treasure hunter of geography! Every degree and minute on the map is like finding clues that guide you to your treasure—whether it's a stunning beach or a bustling town. For example, the coordinates \(1.132^{\circ} 24^{\prime} \) S; \(20^{\circ} 40^{\prime} \) E might lead you to the charming coastal town of Maputo, Mozambique, where the blend of African and Portuguese cultures makes for a vibrant experience. Now, here’s a common mistake to avoid: be careful with the direction! South and East are your friends, but if you mix them up, you could end up looking for a town in the wrong hemisphere! Double-check each coordinate on the map to avoid a wild goose chase across the oceans—trust me, your future self will thank you!

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