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Page \( -8- \) of 8 5.1.4. Provide the LETTER and the NAME of: a) The coldest planet b) The largest planet c) The planet in which plants and animals can be found. d) The planet which is no longer considered a giant planet. e) The hottest planet. 5.1.5. List FOUR conditions which favor life to exist and be sustained on planet (2) (2) (abeled C. 5.1.6. Differentiate between an asteroid, a comet and a meteorite.

Ask by Valdez Bush. in South Africa
Nov 22,2024

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Tutor-Verified Answer


5.1.4. a) The coldest planet is Neptune. Letter: N, Name: Neptune. b) The largest planet is Jupiter. Letter: J, Name: Jupiter. c) The planet with life is Earth. Letter: E, Name: Earth. d) The planet no longer considered a giant planet is Pluto. Letter: P, Name: Pluto. e) The hottest planet is Venus. Letter: V, Name: Venus. 5.1.5. Four conditions for life on Earth: 1. Liquid water. 2. Atmosphere. 3. Suitable temperature range. 4. Energy sources. 5.1.6. Differences: - Asteroid: Rocky body in the asteroid belt. - Comet: Icy body with a tail near the Sun. - Meteorite: Space rock that lands on Earth.


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a) The coldest planet is **U** for Uranus, with minimum temperatures plunging to around -224 degrees Celsius. b) The largest planet is **J** for Jupiter, boasting a diameter of about 139,822 kilometers, making it a true giant in our solar system. c) The planet where plants and animals can be found is **E** for Earth, which hosts a stunning array of biodiversity across various ecosystems. d) The planet which is no longer considered a giant planet is **P** for Pluto, reclassified as a "dwarf planet" in 2006 by the International Astronomical Union. e) The hottest planet is **V** for Venus, with surface temperatures exceeding 460 degrees Celsius, primarily due to its thick, toxic atmosphere. Conditions that favor life on Earth include the presence of liquid water, a stable climate, a protective atmosphere, and suitable energy sources like sunlight. An asteroid is a rocky body that orbits the Sun, often found in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. A comet is made of ice and dust, forming a glowing coma and tail when it approaches the Sun. A meteorite is a fragment of an asteroid or comet that survives passage through Earth’s atmosphere, landing on its surface.

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