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1. Samantha hears a news report about two different earthquakes that took place on the same day in Japan. One earthquake occurred in Kyoto and had a magnitude of 7.2 . The other earthquake occurred in Sapporo and had a magnitude of 5.1 . Both earthquakes took place at the same depth. Which of the statements below about the earthquakes is most likely true? A. The earthquake in Kyoto caused less shaking than the earthquake in Sapporo. B. The earthquake in Sapporo caused more damage to buildings than the earthquake in Kyoto. C. More damage resulted from the earthquake in Kyoto than the earthquake in Sapporo. D. Fewer people were injured in the earthquake in Kyoto than the earthquake in Sapporo.

Ask by Cox Frank. in the United States
Feb 26,2025

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Tutor-Verified Answer


More damage resulted from the earthquake in Kyoto than the earthquake in Sapporo.


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The Deep Dive

The earthquake in Kyoto, with a magnitude of 7.2, is significantly more powerful than the one in Sapporo, which had a magnitude of 5.1. Earthquake magnitudes are measured on a logarithmic scale, meaning each whole number increase represents a tenfold increase in measured amplitude and roughly 31.6 times more energy release. Therefore, the statement that is most likely true is C: More damage resulted from the earthquake in Kyoto than the earthquake in Sapporo. It's essential to remember that the location and local building codes also play crucial roles in determining the level of destruction. Even a smaller earthquake can cause significant damage if it strikes a populated area with poor infrastructure. In contrast, a magnitude 7.2 earthquake can result in widespread devastation in a city like Kyoto, especially considering its densely populated areas and potentially older structures.

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