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8. Looking at the globe, provide one or more guesses to explain why there is a greater difference in temperature (for example, summers in the Northern Hemispheres are hotter, but winters are colder) between winter and summer in the Northern Hemisphere than the Southern Hemisphere. (HINT: search for a map of the Earth and observe the surfaces. What is there more of in the Southern Hemisphere that could potentially stabilize the temperature and cause less extreme seasonal variation?

Ask by Hampton Chang. in the United States
Nov 15,2024

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Tutor-Verified Answer


The Northern Hemisphere has more land, which causes greater temperature differences between winter and summer than in the Southern Hemisphere, where oceans moderate the temperature.


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Answered by UpStudy AI and reviewed by a Professional Tutor

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In the Southern Hemisphere, there is significantly more ocean compared to land, which plays a crucial role in moderating temperatures. Oceans have a high heat capacity, meaning they can absorb and store heat without a dramatic increase in temperature. This results in milder winters and cooler summers, creating a more stable climate overall compared to the more land-dominated Northern Hemisphere. Additionally, the Northern Hemisphere has a larger amount of landmass that heats up and cools down more quickly than water. This leads to more extreme temperature fluctuations between seasons. The continents can become quite hot in the summer and chilly in the winter, magnifying seasonal differences and contributing to the overall greater temperature disparity observed in this hemisphere.

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