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Name: The continent of Australia includes the countries of Australia. New Zealand, New Guinea, and a few other small islands. The continent of Australia is in the southem hemisphere. It is wurounded by the Indian Ocean to the west, the Pacific Ocean to the east, and the Southem Ocean to the south. This continent might be small, but it has some amazing onimals that cannot be found anywhere else. Emus are the largest bird in Australia, and they aren't found anywhere else in the world. The kiwi is a tlightless bird that is only found in New Zealand. Kangaroos and koalas are both marsupials that only live in the country of Australla. They both hove pouches for their young to grow in. c. They are both marsupials. d. They both live in the water. a. They are both found in New Zealand. 4. How are kangaroos and koalas similar? 1. What is the smallest continent? 2. What hemisphere is Australia in? 3. List two animals that are only found on the continent of Australia. 2.

Ask by Gordon Stewart. in the United States
Feb 20,2025

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Aquí tienes las respuestas simplificadas: 1. **¿Cuál es el continente más pequeño?** - Australia es el continente más pequeño. 2. **¿En qué hemisferio se encuentra Australia?** - Australia está en el hemisferio sur. 3. **Enumera dos animales que solo se encuentran en el continente de Australia.** - Canguros y koalas solo viven en Australia. 4. **¿Cómo son similares los canguros y los koalas?** - Ambos son marsupiales y tienen bolsas para sus crías.


Aquí tienes las respuestas a las preguntas sobre el continente de Australia: 1. **¿Cuál es el continente más pequeño?** - El continente más pequeño es Australia. 2. **¿En qué hemisferio se encuentra Australia?** - Australia se encuentra en el hemisferio sur. 3. **Enumera dos animales que solo se encuentran en el continente de Australia.** - Dos animales que solo se encuentran en el continente de Australia son el canguro y el koala. 4. **¿Cómo son similares los canguros y los koalas?** - Los canguros y los koalas son similares porque ambos son marsupiales y tienen bolsas donde sus crías pueden crecer.

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The Deep Dive

Australia is not just a continent but a land of extremes! Did you know it is home to the Great Barrier Reef, the largest coral reef system in the world? Spanning over 2,300 kilometers, this stunning underwater paradise is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is filled with thousands of marine species, making it a bucket-list destination for divers and nature enthusiasts alike. Speaking of unique wildlife, Australia also boasts the world’s longest fence! The Dingo Fence stretches over 5,600 kilometers and was originally constructed to keep dingoes (wild dogs) away from fertile land. It’s so long that it can even be seen from space, showcasing not just the uniqueness of Australian fauna but also the innovative lengths farmers will go to protect their livelihoods!

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