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History introduction Task (Complete in your workbooks) Cut out and stick Map '1' in your workbooks and answer the following questions: 1. Define the following basic terms: 1.1 Political. 1.2 Economic. 1.3 Social. 2. Name the continents numbered 1-6. 3. Name the Oceans and Seas numbered 7-11. 4. Explain the difference between a continent and a country. (Note the one is geographical and the other is political). 5. Name the 3 countries that take up North America.

Ask by Hills Robbins. in South Africa
Jan 21,2025

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Tutor-Verified Answer


1. **Political:** Related to government and governance. 2. **Economic:** Concerned with production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. 3. **Social:** Involves behaviors, relationships, and structures within a society. 4. **Continents (1-6):** 1. Asia 2. Africa 3. North America 4. South America 5. Europe 6. Australia (Oceania) 5. **Oceans and Seas (7-11):** 7. Pacific Ocean 8. Atlantic Ocean 9. Indian Ocean 10. Arctic Ocean 11. Southern Ocean 6. **Difference Between Continent and Country:** A continent is a large landmass, while a country is a political entity within that landmass. 7. **Countries in North America:** Canada, USA, Mexico


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Extra Insights

Throughout history, continents have played crucial roles in the establishment of civilizations and trade routes. For instance, Asia is known as the birthplace of many ancient cultures, including Chinese, Indian, and Persian, laying the groundwork for modern societies. Understanding these historical contexts enriches our appreciation for the maps we study today! When tackling maps and geography-related tasks, a common mistake is confusing countries with continents. Remember, a continent is a large landmass, whereas a country is a defined political area within those landmasses, often with its own government and borders. Keeping this distinction clear can simplify your studies and enhance your discussions!

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