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1. The Oceanic Crust is than the Continental crust * thinner thicker softer hotter

Ask by Hart Hall. in the United States
Jan 22,2025

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The Oceanic Crust is thinner than the Continental Crust.


The **Oceanic Crust** is **thinner** than the **Continental Crust**. ### Explanation: - **Thickness:** - **Oceanic Crust:** Typically ranges from about **5 to 10 kilometers** thick. - **Continental Crust:** Generally much **thicker**, averaging around **30 to 50 kilometers**. - **Other Characteristics:** - **Density:** Oceanic crust is **denser** than continental crust. - **Composition:** Oceanic crust is primarily composed of **basalt**, while continental crust is mainly composed of **granite**. - **Temperature:** Oceanic crust can be **hotter** near mid-ocean ridges where new crust is formed. ### Summary: Among the options provided, **"thinner"** is the correct choice to complete the sentence: **"The Oceanic Crust is thinner than the Continental crust."**

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The oceanic crust is definitely thinner than the continental crust! On average, the oceanic crust measures about 5-10 kilometers thick, while the continental crust can be up to 70 kilometers thick in some mountainous regions. It's like the ocean is wearing a thin t-shirt while the continents are rocking some serious layers! As for real-world applications, understanding the differences between the oceanic and continental crust is crucial for many fields, including geology, environmental science, and even earthquake prediction. Knowing how they interact can help scientists mitigate natural disasters and understand the Earth's past, present, and future!

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