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In general, the extremities of the inhabited world, which lies alongside the part of the earth that is not temperate and habitable, because of heat or cold, must needs be defective and inferior to the temperate part; and this is clear from the modes of life of the inhabitants and from their lack of human necessities. They indeed live a hard life, go almost naked, and are nomads: and their domestic animals-sheep, goats, and cattle-are small; and their dogs are small though rough and pugnacious. . The [Nubians] live on millet and barley, from which they also make a drink; but instead of olive oil they have butter and tallow. -Strabo, Geography 18. (1.3, 1.4; DOK 3) Read the excerpt from Strabo. It can be inferred that Strabo believed that the inhabitants of Nubia were somewhat primitive. were always cold. were master traders. possessed great wealth.

Ask by Warren Murphy. in the United States
Dec 16,2024

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Strabo believed the inhabitants of Nubia were somewhat primitive.


Based on the excerpt from Strabo, it can be inferred that Strabo believed that the inhabitants of Nubia **were somewhat primitive**. He describes their lifestyle as hard, their clothing as minimal, and their domestic animals as small, which suggests a view of their society as less developed compared to those in more temperate regions.

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Strabo's view of the inhabitants of Nubia suggests he believed they were somewhat primitive. His description highlights their harsh living conditions, lack of diverse resources, and simple lifestyles, indicating a perception of inferiority compared to more temperate populations. This perspective reflects the historical tendency of ancient scholars to judge cultures based on their own context and experiences. Moreover, the mention of nomadic lifestyles and reliance on basic agriculture reinforces the idea that Strabo viewed these communities as lacking the sophistication and wealth found in more developed regions. This can prompt readers to consider how environmental challenges shape societal structures and perceptions, both in ancient times and today!

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