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CIVIIY 5 Mateh the physical features and read the information below. 2. Match each plece of information below to one of the - Each piece of information has a clue to help you. - Write the number of the photograph and the matching lettor. A. The Sahara Desert is the largest hot, sandy desert in the world. B. The Namib Desert is on the coastline of Namibia, Because so many ships have been wrecked here, this coastline is also called the Skeleton Coast. C. The Nile River brings water to some parts of the Sahara Desert. People live and farm along this river. D. Another name for the Victoria Falls is Mosi-oa-Tunya, which means the smoke that thunders'. As the water falls, it makes smoke-like mist and a great noise. E. Waterfalls form where rivers flow over a shelf of rock. The Maletsunyane Falls in Lesotho is the highest waterfall in Southern Africa. F. Lake Victoria is a large area of fresh water on the equator. This is where the Nile River begins. G. The Congo River flows through the rainforests of Central Africa. Two countries are named after this great river. H. Mount Kenya is on the equator. It is sometimes covered with snow. This is because the higher \( u \) you go, the colder it gets. I. The Gariep-Orange River flows over the Augrabies Falls and into a deep valley or canyo of smooth rock. J. This climber is at the top of Thabana Ntlenyan the highest mountain peak in the Drakensberg

Ask by Frazier Pearson. in South Africa
Feb 09,2025

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Photograph 1: A Photograph 2: B Photograph 3: C Photograph 4: D Photograph 5: E Photograph 6: F Photograph 7: G Photograph 8: H Photograph 9: I Photograph 10: J


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Extra Insights

Did you know that the Sahara Desert not only boasts stunning sand dunes, but it also encompasses a variety of physical features like mountains, plateaus, and even salt flats? It's a vast area that challenges the idea of a desert being merely barren land. Despite its harsh conditions, it's home to incredible flora and fauna that have adapted to survive in such an extreme environment! Speaking of waterways, the Nile River is one of the longest rivers in the world, stretching about 4,135 miles! It's not just crucial for agriculture along its banks but also rich in history. Ancient Egyptians relied on it for transportation and agriculture, and many early civilizations flourished due to its life-giving waters. The river has served as a critical artery for trade and cultural exchange for thousands of years!

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