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Directions: Read each passage and ask yourself, "What is the author doing in this paragraph?" Write your answer in the summary box and then think of an appropriate title for the passage based on the main idea of the passage. 1. Sir Isaac Newton was contemplating the universe in his garden one day in 1665 when he noticed an apple fall from a tree. Newton wondered to himself, "Why should the apple always fall to the ground? Why does it not go sideways or upwards but directly toward the Earth's center?" After much contemplation Newton concluded that objects are pulled to the Earth through a force that he called gravity, which means heaviness in Latin. On July 5 , 1687 Newl formally expressed his law of universal gravitation in series of books called The Prineipia. Summarize this paragraph in one sentence. Be specific and clearly explain the main idea.

Ask by Crawford Barnett. in the United States
Jan 10,2025

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Tutor-Verified Answer


El autor explica cómo Newton observó una manzana caer y pensó en la fuerza que la hace caer hacia la Tierra, lo que llevó a su ley de gravitación universal. Título: "El Descubrimiento de la Gravitación Universal por Isaac Newton"


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Beyond the Answer

The paragraph describes how Sir Isaac Newton's observation of an apple falling led him to formulate the law of universal gravitation, which he published in his work, The Principia, in 1687. Title: "The Dawn of Gravitational Theory"

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