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16. What does this sign mean? A) You cannot smoke here. B) You must smoke here. C) You can park here. \( X \) D) You have to smoke here. 17. What information does "Date of Birth" ask for on a form?

Ask by Stuart Tran. in Mexico
Feb 25,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


16. No se puede fumar aquí. 17. "Fecha de nacimiento" pide el día, mes y año en que naciste.


16. La respuesta correcta es: A) No se puede fumar aquí. 17. "Fecha de nacimiento" solicita la información sobre el día, mes y año en que nació una persona.

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The Deep Dive

In many countries, signs indicating smoking restrictions have become increasingly common as a means to promote public health and reduce the exposure to secondhand smoke. This shift began in earnest in the late 20th century when the dangers of smoking were more widely recognized, leading to laws prohibiting smoking in many public spaces. When filling out a form that asks for "Date of Birth," you typically need to provide the specific day, month, and year you were born. This information helps verify your identity, age, and eligibility for various services and programs, ranging from driver's licenses to age-restricted events. It's like revealing your own personal time capsule!

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