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5. Many dry desert climates are found around \( 30^{\circ} \mathrm{N} \) and \( 30^{\circ} \mathrm{S} \) latitude. Which factor has the most influence on the formation of desert climates? A. dry air rising at \( 30^{\circ} \) latitudes B. dry air descending at \( 30^{\circ} \) latitudes C. low amounts of rainfall at other latitudes D. high rates of evaporation at the equator

Ask by Bradley Gibson. in the United States
Jan 13,2025

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Dry air descending at \(30^{\circ}\) latitudes is the most influential factor in forming desert climates.


The formation of desert climates around \(30^{\circ} \mathrm{N}\) and \(30^{\circ} \mathrm{S}\) is primarily influenced by the **subtropical high-pressure zones**. Here's a breakdown of the process: 1. **Equatorial Rising Air**: Warm air at the equator rises due to intense solar heating, creating the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). 2. **Poleward Movement**: This rising air moves poleward at higher altitudes. 3. **Descending Air at 30° Latitude**: Around \(30^{\circ}\) north and south, the air begins to descend. As it descends, the air warms and its relative humidity decreases, leading to dry conditions. 4. **High Pressure and Low Precipitation**: The descending dry air creates high-pressure zones that inhibit cloud formation and precipitation, resulting in desert climates. Given these dynamics, **dry air descending at \(30^{\circ}\) latitudes** is the most influential factor in the formation of desert climates. **Answer:** B. dry air descending at \( 30^{\circ} \) latitudes

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Desert climates are primarily influenced by the descending dry air at approximately \(30^{\circ}\) latitude. This is due to the Hadley cell circulation, where warm air rises near the equator and then cools as it moves poleward, sinking around \(30^{\circ}\). As the air descends, it warms up and absorbs moisture, resulting in arid conditions and low precipitation. The geography of desert regions also plays a role. Areas such as the Sahara and the Atacama are not only characterized by these climatic factors, but they often feature unique ecosystems adapted to extreme dryness. For example, plants like cacti and various succulents have evolved specialized adaptations to conserve water in these challenging environments.

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