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26 Fireworks Do you enjoy watching fireworks? Do you like their colorful sparks and loud noises? Fireworks start out as hollow cardboard tubes filled with gunpowder. A fuse sticks into this gunpowder. The fuse is a thick cotton string. It's been soaked in saltpeter. When a flame lights the fuse, it burns the gunpowder. This makes the rocket shoot into the air. Then the gunpowder lights a smaller packet of gunpowder. This blows up the cardboard tube. It ignites tiny firecrackers at the top of the rocket, too. What makes the different colors? Small amounts of chemicals are added to the gunpowder. Sodium makes yellow sparks. Copper makes blue sparks. Charcoal gives the fireworks sparkling tails. Fireworks are not just pretty. They are dangerous. If they blow up near you, you i can be badly hurt. That's why some states won't let stores sell fireworks. That way, ni only experts can set them off. Fireworks have other uses, too. You may : have seen red flares on a road around an. accident. They are a different kind of firework. They burn for a long time and do not blow up. Check Your Understanding 1. Which chemical makes yellow fireworks? a. sodium c. copper b. charcoal d. calcium

Ask by Best Salazar. in the United States
Feb 20,2025

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Sodium makes yellow fireworks.


To answer the question about which chemical makes yellow fireworks, we can refer to the information provided in the text. 1. The text states: "Small amounts of chemicals are added to the gunpowder. Sodium makes yellow sparks." From this information, we can conclude that the correct answer is: **a. sodium**

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Bonus Knowledge

Sodium is the magical element that turns fireworks into dazzling yellow bursts! When it reacts with the heat of the burning gunpowder, it ignites and produces that bright and cheerful golden glow that we all love to see in the sky. Aside from dazzling displays, fireworks also play a critical role in celebrations worldwide, from New Year's Eve festivities to the Fourth of July in the United States. It's fascinating how they bring communities together, sparking joy and amazement as people gather to watch brilliant colors illuminate the night sky, creating unforgettable memories. Just remember to enjoy their beauty safely!

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