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Question 19) What are the correct missing terms below? Fill in the blanks based on the information given in the above videos: The Earth has two types of crust: The_crust is thicker and less dense, and made up mostly of the rock _ crust is thinner and denser, and made up mostly of the rock In contrast, the The differences in thickness and density of the two types of crust control its __ Isostatic Equilibrium - Crust Floating in Balance with the Mantle In

Ask by Ramos Love. in the United States
Feb 17,2025

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The Earth has two types of crust: - The continental crust is thicker and less dense, made mostly of granite. - The oceanic crust is thinner and denser, made mostly of basalt. The differences in thickness and density control the crust's buoyancy, maintaining isostatic equilibrium with the mantle.


The Earth has two types of crust: • The continental crust is thicker and less dense, and made up mostly of the rock granite. • The oceanic crust is thinner and denser, and made up mostly of the rock basalt. The differences in thickness and density of the two types of crust control its buoyancy—known as isostatic equilibrium, which describes how the crust “floats” in balance on the mantle.

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The Deep Dive

Did you know that the Earth's crust is like a giant puzzle with two main pieces? The continental crust is thicker and less dense, primarily made of granite rock, like a sturdy landmass holding all those mountains. In contrast, the oceanic crust is thinner and denser, primarily composed of basalt rock, forming the foundations of our sea floors. These dynamic differences help maintain what's known as isostatic equilibrium, which is like the Earth's way of balancing its structure! If you picture the Earth as a massive floating platform, that’s a great analogy for isostasy! Just like how a boat floats on water, the continental crust and oceanic crust "float" on the semi-fluid mantle beneath them. When geological activities happen, such as erosion or deposition, this equilibrium can be disrupted. It's nature's balancing act, ensuring that the crust supports all life and landscapes while constantly reshaping our planet!

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