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Why do Jem and Scout wait before starting home after the pageant? A Scout and Jem were waiting for Atticus to walk them home. B Scout is embarrassed at having missed her entrance cue and wants to stay until the au- dience has left. C They didn't wait. They left the show early be- cause Scout was embarrassed.

Ask by Reeves Olson. in the United States
Feb 04,2025

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Scout stays after the pageant because she's embarrassed about missing her entrance and wants to wait until the audience leaves before going home.


The correct answer is: **B. Scout is embarrassed at having missed her entrance cue and wants to stay until the audience has left.** In "To Kill a Mockingbird," during the Halloween pageant, Scout Finch misses her entrance cue because her father, Atticus, shoots a rabid dog near the stage to protect the community, causing a distraction. Feeling embarrassed about her mistake, Scout chooses to stay and wait until the audience has left rather than leaving immediately. This moment highlights Scout's sensitivity and her concern about public perception.

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Beyond the Answer

Scout feels a bit sheepish after missing her entrance cue during the pageant, so she wants to give it some time for the audience to clear out. It's like wanting to sneak out of a party without being noticed when you've had a minor mishap! However, the pair also knows their dad, Atticus, will be there to walk them home, making it a cozy little tradition. It’s a comfort seeing him after the event, especially when the night feels a little heavy with the day’s embarrassing moment.

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