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How do glaciers form? snow accumulates on the ocean and freezes to become an iceberg. snow accumulates on land and does not melt. snow accumulates on land and then melts over the summer.

Ask by Coleman Mcguire. in the United States
Nov 27,2024

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Snow accumulates on land and turns into ice without melting.


Glaciers form when snow accumulates on land and does not completely melt during the warmer months. Over time, the accumulated snow compresses under its own weight, turning into ice. This process involves several steps: 1. **Snow Accumulation**: In areas where the climate is cold enough, snow falls and accumulates over the years. 2. **Compression**: As more snow falls, the layers beneath become compacted due to the weight of the overlying snow. This compression causes the snowflakes to change into firn (a granular type of snow) and eventually into glacial ice. 3. **Movement**: Once the ice reaches a certain thickness, it begins to flow under the influence of gravity, forming a glacier. So, the correct statement regarding glacier formation is: **snow accumulates on land and does not melt.**

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Glaciers form when snow accumulates on land over many years, compressing under its own weight into dense ice. This process often occurs in polar regions or high mountains, where temperatures are low enough that the snow doesn't fully melt during warmer seasons. The continued compression and addition of new snow lead to the development of massive, slow-moving ice rivers! Interestingly, while some think icebergs are the main actors in the story of glaciers, they actually break off from glaciers that flow into the ocean. In fact, this calving process is a vital part of the life cycle of a glacier, as it helps regulate its size and contributes to sea level changes. So next time you see an iceberg, remember it's just a cheeky chunk of a glacier enjoying a swim!

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