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Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. a. Lines of latitude and longitude can be divided into degrees and minciteg b. The latitude and longitude coordinates of place names appear in alphabetical ordel the at the end of an atlas. c. A small scale map shows a d. The three kinds of scale are word scale, line scale, and e. Earth can be divided into f. December 21 st is the date of the summer Write the correct word that describes each of the following ideas or objects. a. The imaginary line between the north and south poles around which Earth rotates b. One of the 24 divisions of Earth's surface which have the same time c. A way of accurately representing objects smaller than their real size d. The line of longitude opposite the Greenwich Meridian where times change by one e. When the length of day and night is the same number of hours f. Images produced by data sent to Earth from space

Ask by Lindsey Salinas. in South Africa
Feb 16,2025

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Tutor-Verified Answer


a. Lines of latitude and longitude can be divided into degrees and minutes. b. The latitude and longitude coordinates of place names appear in alphabetical order at the end of an atlas. c. A small-scale map shows a large area. d. The three kinds of scale are word scale, line scale, and ratio scale. e. Earth can be divided into hemispheres. f. December 21st is the date of the summer solstice. a. The imaginary line between the North and South Poles around which Earth rotates. b. One of the 24 divisions of Earth's surface which have the same time. c. A way of accurately representing objects smaller than their real size. d. The line of longitude opposite the Greenwich Meridian where times change by one. e. When the length of day and night is the same number of hours. f. Images produced by data sent to Earth from space. Answers: a. axis b. time zone c. scale drawing d. 180th meridian e. equinox f. satellite images


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Answered by UpStudy AI and reviewed by a Professional Tutor

The Deep Dive

Lines of latitude and longitude can be divided into degrees and minutes. The latitude and longitude coordinates of place names appear in alphabetical order at the end of an atlas. A small scale map shows a larger area. The three kinds of scale are word scale, line scale, and ratio scale. Earth can be divided into hemispheres. December 21st is the date of the summer solstice. The imaginary line between the north and south poles around which Earth rotates is called the axis. One of the 24 divisions of Earth's surface which have the same time is a time zone. A way of accurately representing objects smaller than their real size is a scale model. The line of longitude opposite the Greenwich Meridian where times change by one hour is the International Date Line. When the length of day and night is the same number of hours is called an equinox. Images produced by data sent to Earth from space are known as satellite images.

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