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What is a good practice for handling stock solutions? Select all of the answers that apply. Never put pipettes into stock solution bottles, to avoid contamination. Pour a small amount of stock solution into a small beaker and then pipette it.

Ask by Love Chavez. in Mexico
Feb 26,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


Never put pipettes directly into stock solution bottles and always pour a small amount into a beaker before using a pipette to prevent contamination.


Both answers are correct. Never putting pipettes directly into stock solution bottles helps prevent contamination, and pouring a small amount into a secondary container before using a pipette further minimizes the risk of contaminating the entire stock solution.

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A key practice when handling stock solutions is to always use separate pipettes for each solution to prevent any cross-contamination. By pouring a small amount of the solution into a clean beaker, you can ensure that the stock solution remains uncontaminated, and it allows you to pipette without risk of introducing foreign materials. Also, remember to keep your stock solution bottles tightly sealed when not in use to avoid degradation and contamination! Another fun twist is to think of your stock solutions like precious potions in a wizard's lab! They’ve got to be treated with care. Label your bottles clearly, store them in a cool dark place, and don’t forget to note the dates of preparation. This way, you’ll always know just how fresh your magical concoctions are!

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